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CasaVida: Customer Relationship Management Console

health condition dashboard 2

  • Employer:

    • La Vida Tec Co., Ltd
  • Targeted Users:

    • Health institutes
  • User Scenarios:

    • CasaVida represented a Customer Relationship Management(CRM) console for health institutes. The dashboard of Personal Health Records(PHRs) and charts helped admins recognizing patients’ health risks. Moreover, admins could create accounts for patients and send coupons to attract patients to use telemedicine services. Thus, CasaVida could save health institutes lots of efforts for patients management and strengthen their relationships.
  • Programming Language:

    • TypeScript
  • Libraries:

    • axios
    • firebase
    • koa
    • next
    • next-i18next
    • node-forge
    • react
    • react-redux
    • redux
    • react-dom
    • redux-persist
    • redux-persist-transform-encrypt
    • redux-saga
    • reselect
    • styled-components
    • styled-system
    • tus-js-client
    • typescript
  • Features:

    • Configured the TypeScript support for Next.js 8
    • Developed the member system to verify experts’ accounts through cookies and the local storage
    • Developed a video uploading feature by implementing the streaming library “tus-js-client”
    • Developed account importing feature to help institutes creating patients’ accounts
    • Developed activate account feature for patients to receive coupons
    • Implemented cryptographic algorithms such as ECC, RSA, and AES to secure sensitive data
    • Implemented D3.js to visualize personal health records
    • Supported English and Chinese language display
  • Product Released on Oct 2, 2019