- Download WaCare from Google Play Store
- La Vida Tec Co., Ltd
Targeted Users:
- Caregivers and Care Receivers
User Scenarios:
- WaCare is a telehealth social network. Users can easily understand their family’s health conditions and access healthcare resources online, including experiencing real-time video consultations and live health education courses provided by healthcare experts.
Programming Language:
- Java, Kotlin
- Android Architecture Component(MVVM)
- dagger2
- liveData
- okhttp3
- paging
- retrofit2
- room
- rxandroid
- rxJava2
- viewModel
- Collaborated with back-end engineers to design a chat room system including texts, images, and audio based on Firebase Realtime Database, and the system could afford 1,500 concurrent messages
- Developed the Single-Sign-On(SSO) feature such as Facebook, Google and Line to increase user base
- Developed the notification system based on Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
- Developed internal End-to-end encryption based on Asymmetric Encryption to pass one mobile security regulation certificated by Taiwan Mobile Application Security Alliance
- Implemented the MVVM design pattern into the WaCare product to automatic update the health records without manual refreshing, improving customer satisfaction from 61% to 82%
- Implemented Android App Bundle into the WaCare project to shrink the app size from 69MB to 29MB (57% improvement)
- Integrated third-party online payment methods including CTBC, LINE, and Neweb
- Brief video intro
- Related news
- Product Released on May 31, 2018