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WaCourse: Online Health Course Platform

  • Employer:

    • La Vida Tec Co., Ltd
  • Targeted Users:

    • Caregivers (Family Carer, Nurse Aide, Nursing Worker, etc.)
  • User Scenarios:

    • Caregivers usually make lots of efforts to acquire caring skills, and WaCourse, an online health course platform, could save their time and money. For instance, nursing workers could get vocational certifications by earning credits from WaCourse without stepping out of their houses. Moreover, online courses are more economical than physical ones. As a result, caregivers could acquire caring knowledge with fewer efforts.
  • Programming Language:

    • TypeScript
  • Libraries:

    • axios
    • firebase
    • koa
    • next
    • next-i18next
    • next-seo
    • node-forge
    • react
    • react-dom
    • react-transition-group
    • redux
    • redux-persist
    • redux-persist-transform-encrypt
    • redux-saga
    • reselect
    • styled-components
    • styled-system
    • typescript
  • Features:

    • Developed the member system to verify accounts through cookies and the local storage
    • Developed the online payment flow for users to buy courses with credit cards
    • Designed reusable and scalable components based on the style system and the compound component design pattern to reduce 40% of development time for other front-end colleagues
    • Upgraded Next.js from 9 to 10 to support image optimization
    • Indexed sites into Google Search Engine by implementing next-seo library and adding sites into Google Search Console
    • Implemented Firebase Dynamic Link as a QR code that allowed users to scan it on sites and be redirected to the specific page in the WaCare app
    • Supported Responsive Web Design
  • Product Released on Aug 18, 2020